If you have been placed on probation in Nevada, the potential sentence of jail or prison time has been “suspended.” The probationer agrees to comply with various terms and conditions as stipulated by the court. As a result, individuals who violate their terms of probation will find themselves in jail without bond. They will have to sit and wait until it comes time for what is known as their probation revocation hearing (PRH). At that time, that judge has several options to choose from when deciding how to proceed, such as jail time, extending the length of your probation, or revocation.
If you or a loved one is facing a probation violation 1st offense, then you need to contact the law offices of the Goodwin Law Group, PLLC of Las Vegas, NV, and ask to schedule a free consultation to discuss your case.
What Can Cause a Person to Be Violated?
Several actions can cause a probationer to violate their probation. One of the most common causes of probation violation is when the probationer commits a new crime or actions such as:
- Possessing firearms, drugs, or other items that are not permitted
- Failing to check in with the probation officer at the designated times
- Leaving the state without permission
- Repeatedly testing positive on drug tests
- Acting aggressively toward the probation officer, including intimidation, threats, or hitting them
- Failing to maintain employment
- Failure to follow curfew requirements
What Happens at a Probation Revocation Hearing?
A probation revocation hearing is also called a probation violation hearing and is, in essence, like a criminal trial, with the judge deciding the outcome. The whole intention of the hearing is to determine whether or not you are guilty of violating your probation. You will have some of the same rights as in a regular trial, such as the right to testify, be represented by an attorney, present evidence, and call or cross-examine witnesses.
The state does not have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you are in violation. Therefore, the judge must only be satisfied that you violated probation. If the judge finds your favor, your probation will be reinstated. If not, then the judge has the option to modify or revoke your probation.
What Happens if the Judge Revokes My Probation?
If the judge revokes your probation, you will likely have to finish the rest of your suspended sentence in jail, or the court could order house arrest. However, typically the judge will consider several factors before handing down a sentence for a probation violation, such as the following:
- Your prior criminal record
- The seriousness of your violation
- The length of time that you had successfully completed the terms of your probation before the violation occurred
- Recommendations by your probation officer
How Can a Probation Violation Attorney Help Me?
When you have been charged with a first probation violation, a criminal defense lawyer can be your advocate and fight for your rights during your revocation hearing. The attorneys of the Goodwin Law Group, PLLC of Las Vegas, NV, have the skill and experience necessary to mount a strong and aggressive definition on your behalf. Our main objective is to obtain an outcome that is fully favorable to you. Contact our law offices by calling (702) 819-8242 to schedule a free consultation.